Every year, the countries of the entire world are ranked according to their firepower and military strength by the Global Fire Power (GFP). The second-largest continent in the world, Africa, boasts of its high strength in terms of military power. There are 35 countries in the African continent that are included in the ranking in terms of their military strength. These countries are ranked according to their military defense budget, number of active personnel and reserved forces, number of armored tanks and vehicles, fighter jets and aircraft, the strength of the naval defense forces, and many other criteria or factors.
Shown below is the list of countries in Africa with the strongest military force in 2020.
List of Most Powerful Militaries in Africa
1. Egypt
Egypt is the most powerful and the strongest nation in Africa in terms of military strength. It has a total of 920,000 military personnel, which makes up the largest military force in the African continent. From the 920,000 personnel, it has a total of 440,000 active personnel and 480,000 reserved personnel. It is one of the largest sources of well-trained military personnel.
It continues to become the strongest nation in Africa with the support of its compact military equipment including 1,054 airpower such as attack helicopters and fighter jets, 4,295 tanks, and 11,700 armored vehicles. Its naval force has a total of 316 assets consisting of 45 coast patrol crafts, 31 mine warfare crafts, 8 submarines, and 7 navy corvettes or warships. Not only that, but Egypt also has the highest military defense budget amounting to 11.2 billion dollars.
Egypt is certainly one of the world’s strongest producers of military personnel.
2. Algeria
On the second spot in terms of military strength is Algeria. It has successfully developed its armed forces since it has the largest maritime borders. With over 280,000 military personnel, it has active personnel of 130,000 and 150,000 reserved forces.
In terms of its military equipment and ammunition, Algeria has a total of 880 tanks, 7,361 armored vehicles, 103 fighter jets, 257 helicopters, and many more. In addition to the list are its naval forces assets with over 6 submarines, 25 coast patrol crafts, 5 navy frigates that are designed to protect other navy ships. This shows the readiness of its military force in case of a sudden military attack.
The military powers of Algeria surpass those of other countries in Africa due to the high training of its defense force including its naval, air and armed forces. The Algerian government has spent deeply on the military sector with a total of 11 billion dollars in the defense budget.
3. Ethiopia
The country with the third strongest military in the African continent is Ethiopia. Out of its 108 million total population, 162,000 of which make up its active military front line. Further strengthening the Ethiopian armed forces is its wide array of military armaments.
It boasts of its strong land forces with 400 tanks, 114 armored vehicles, 183 rocket projectors, 67 self-propelled artilleries, and 650 towed artilleries. In addition, its air force has a total of 24 fighter jets, 9 fixed-wing transport aircraft, 20 trainer aircrafts, 33 helicopters, and 8 attack helicopters. However, Ethiopia has no account of its naval forces equipment.
The total military defense budget of Ethiopia is 350 million dollars. The government has set a substantial amount which makes Ethiopia the third strongest military power in the whole of Africa.
4. South Africa
The total population of South Africa is 55 million. From this, a fair number of active personnel makes up its military force. Its total military personnel are 81,000 wherein only 15,000 comprise its military reserve. The country has optimized its use of technological advancements which makes it fourth in the list of the strongest military in Africa.
Its air force consists of 17 fighter jets, 7 special military aircrafts, 23 fixed-wing transport aircrafts, 88 military trainer aircrafts, 91 helicopters, and 12 attack helicopters. To further strengthen its military forces, the country’s land forces arsenal includes 195 tanks, 2,000 armored vehicles, 43 self-propelled artilleries, 72 towed artilleries, and 50 rocket projectors. It also boasts of its use of modern technology in its aircraft and naval vessels. This makes its military force more effective and tactical.
In addition, South Africa has earned its 4th spot with the aid of its military defense budget amounting to 5 billion dollars.
5. Nigeria
The Nigerian Armed Forces is comprised of 120,000 active military personnel. It is ranked fifth country in Africa with the strongest military. Unlike the other countries, Nigeria has experience to some of the most rebellious attacks especially from Boko Haram, a terrorist organization inhabiting Northern Nigeria. But, the country has stood strong and came out to be victorious as it belongs to the top military forces in Africa.
Nigeria is also facing a lot of crisis in terms of recurring political corruption and disorder, as well as lack of modern technology in its military force. Despite that, it maintains an enormous weaponry which consists of 8 fighter jets, 44 helicopter, and 15 attack helicopters. Adding to its arsenal are 253 tanks, 1,789 armored vehicles, 339 towed artilleries, and 36 rocket projectors. Its naval forces also have a total of 100 coast patrol crafts, and 2 mine warfare crafts.
The Nigerian government has set aside 3 billion dollars as the country’s defense budget.
In these times of crisis, civil unrest, and increasing terrorist presence and activities in the African continent, the more that the countries need to strengthen and develop its military defense forces. With the support of each countries’ government, peace and order shall be maintained across all nations, and all over the world. Things are always moving and consistently changing especially with the series of advancements in modern technology. Everyone is expected to adapt to these changes, including the military defense forces. After all, military power is the one taking charge in protecting the country and its citizens.
I hope that this article on African countries with the strongest military was helpful. If you are interested, visit the Country Rankings Page!